To the Revd the Minister of Northlew

Chanter 232B, 474

  1. Residence, curate and lecturer: I do not reside at North-Lew, being constantly attendant on my Church at Spreyton. The Revd: Mr: John Braddon is my curate; who tho' not always resident, frequently sleeps in the Parsonage House. I give him forty pounds per annum & the Surplice Fees. There is no Lecturer.

  2. Other benefices: I have also the Vicarage of Spreyton in your Lordship's Diocese.

  3. Divine service at other churches: I serve in general Spreyton only.

  4. Frequency of divine service: Divine Service is perform'd in North Lew Church twice every Lord's Day, with a Sermon in the Evening as well as morning [illegible deletions] from Lady Day to Michaelmas.

  5. Frequency of communion: Four times a year: and there are seldom more than Thirty Communicants.

  6. Catechising of children: On several of the Sundays between Easter & Whitsunday.

  7. Church fabric: The Church & Chancel are in good Repair. The Church yard Fence is well preserv'd: And we have all things decent for Divine Service.

  8. Glebe terrier: I presume there is a Terrier in your Lordship's Office.

  9. Number of families: About Seventy, including Cottagers.

  10. Chapels: There is no Chapel in this Parish.

  11. Papists, dissenters and meeting houses: There is neither Papist nor Dissenter in this Parish.

  12. School, alms-houses, hospital and charitable endowments: There is no public School: no Alms House; no Hospital, or other charitable Endowment in the Parish.

  13. Charity: There are no Lands or Tenements; and but few trifling Benefactions: which last however are properly applied.

    Priest's orders and institution: I William Moore, Rector of North Lew, in the County of Devon & Diocese of Exeter, was ordain'd a Priest by the then Bishop of Exeter the 2nd Day of June 1751; and was instituted to the Rectory of North Lew the 9th Day of December 1777.

    A Letter by the Post will find me at South-Tawton